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Upcoming SV Release
Posted by Anna Teploukhova on 16 November 2012 02:46 PM


We have released a new version of the radiology (SmartViewer) today for your clinic. Below you will find a brief description of the new features.


Now when you play cines, default speed from the actual image (DICOM file) picks up automatically. You can speed up or slow down the cine using the slider that pops up.

Visit List on Worklist: 

You will notice a new tab on the SmartViewer worklist called ‘Visitlist’. From that tab, a doctor can assign specific visits or investigations to himself by right clicking on the name of the patient or investigation and selecting the option ‘Assign’. You MUST contact SIMMS for this option to be turned on for your clinic.


You will find a new button on the recorder with a musical key and arrow. This button allows doctors to send/submit a visit into typing stage without an audio.

New Templates functional: 

Doctors who are using templates for dictation can now configure the application so that it memorizes which templates are used with specific investigations. To do that, a user needs to right click on the investigation in question and select the template of choice. Once the setup is performed, the templates will open right away when the ‘Template’ button is clicked on. Furthermore, it is now possible to view PDF report right from the recorder without having to use search for the window that previously popped up.

Billing Codes on Recorder:

We have fixed the bug that caused problems with displaying correct billing codes on the recorder. In addition, now upon hovering over the investigation name you can view all billing codes assigned to the study. Please note that the ‘’ indicate that there are additional codes to see.

If you have any questions regarding this update, please let us know.



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